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When a woman who visits the island of memories wears glasses that she finds by chance, she meets “another self” for some reason… This mysterious story is based on the island dragon legend and realizes that she has become a dragon after losing her love. This is the first short film that was made by a cast and a staff.
近藤 克已 Katsumi Kondo
・Another Me(7分/2022年)第一回パルマ短編映画祭入選
・Another Me(5分/2022年)Micro Cinema Contest 2021-2022 ドラマ4K部門 佳作
・Nami-Machi × Oto-Machi (9分58秒/2022年)TKFFC2022ハンブルク日本映画祭招待作品
・Nami-Machi × Oto-Machi (10分00秒/2022年)横濱インディペンデント・フィルム・フェスティバル2023 音楽作品部門 最優秀賞