“Untitled” is a psychological thriller that delves into the blurred lines between reality and imagination, ambition and desperation. John, a struggling writer, finds himself caught in a web of deception and self-doubt when he encounters his successful former friend, Rex. As John’s jealousy and resentment towards Rex grow, he becomes increasingly entangled in a series of surreal and haunting events, culminating in a confrontation that forces him to confront his deepest fears and darkest secrets.
Guangxi Chen
Guangxi Chen pursued his undergraduate studies in Economics at York University in Canada. After working for a few years in his field, he discovered a profound passion for filmmaking. This newfound love for the art led him to apply for the Film Production program at the University of Southern California, where he is set to graduate by the end of 2024. “Untitled” is his first short film as both writer and director.