5月. 23, 2024

No End Payan Nadarad


In the midst of Iran’s tumultuous socio-political unrest, ‘No End,’ directed by Navid Nikkhah Azad, follows Gholamali Darbari, an intrepid filmmaker whose daring exposé, ‘Forced Confession,’ sheds light on Iran’s covert coercion practices. As government authorities seize his incendiary film, Darbari refuses to be silenced.





Navid Nikkhah Azad
Navid Nikkhah Azad is a Film Director, Critic, and Journalist with a proven track record in directing award-winning films showcased in 300+ international film festivals. Editor-in-Chief at ZIZ (ziz.news), showcasing expertise in critical reviews and journalistic writing. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in English Language And Literature. His short film The Recess (2020) brought to life the compelling story of self-immolated Sahar Khodayari, earning acclaim as one of Iranian cinema’s most esteemed works. It has received over 160 international selections and 30 awards, solidifying its place among the top-rated shorts in the Iranian cinema. Navid Nikkhah Azad’s contributions extend to more than 300 international film festivals, including prestigious events that serve as qualifying grounds for major industry awards like the Oscars, BAFTA, and GOYA. Recently, Navid Nikkhah Azad took a courageous step in his artistic journey by creating “No End,” a politically charged mid-length film. Faced with potential severe consequences, he sought asylum in the Netherlands in November 2023.


Production Country: Iran
Sub Production Country: Italy
Shooting Country: Iran
Language: Persian
Production date: 2024
Run time: 00:36:35
Script Original: Yes
Music Original: Yes
Cast: Sadegh Molaei, Motahareh Kaviani
Staff: Writer & Director: Navid Nikkhah Azad - Producers: Navid Nikkhah Azad, Mohammad Shahverdy, Shiva Namvar
Screening Format: DCP, Digital
Shooting Format: 4K
Project URL: https://www.noendfilm.com/



